Discharge is planned for next week. The treatment facility has been supportive and has held multiple team treatment meetings throughout my daughters stay. Can you really prepare for such an event though? As parents often say, "There is no rule book for raising children." There certainly is not a rule book for dealing with a 14 year old who is addicted to rugs and alcohol.
We have been granted several passes for part of or a whole day the past week. Sarah is excited, positive and ready to move on to this new adventure of teenage life without the influence of mind altering chemicals. I am terrified. Sure I have the hope and belief in my beautiful daughter, but as a Mom who has traveled down this long road, I can never be too lax. I must, if I want to keep my daughter safe, keep an ever vigilant eye. Isn't that what all parents do though?Any parent who cares for their child whether the Mom looking after their toddler who is now getting into everything and you find yourself locking more cabinets and child proofing everything in sight, or a Mother of a newly admitted college graduate who worries about how their now, adult/child is adjusting. My Mom tells me every time I speak with her that she still worries about me.
With discharge right around the corner, I worry, and prepare the best I can. That's what a Mom does. It's my job.
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Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Posted by Mrs C. at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
As with any change there is a period of adjustment. It has been such a monumental change for Sarah to go from having her teenage independence of going to school and hanging out with her friends to the close confines of locked doors and being watched every hour of the day. Although the biggest change of all has been that she no longer has the option or ability to use any drugs whatsoever.
This time of adjustment goes for the family at home as well. I have taken the last 5 weeks in stride, adjusting along with my husband and older daughter. I may not be able to see her everyday, but I talk to her each night on the phone, and meet with her and her counselor and psychiatrist once a week or sometimes once every two weeks. And now that she has been there over 30 days and proven herself to be more reliable she has been given passes for several hours at a time. As a Mom, I have worried, worried, worried some more and then obsessed over how my daughter is doing. Most days I get up, get going, and remain positive, other days don;t go as smoothly.
It has been more than two weeks since my last post. My heart is heavy and tears flow often. The smallest of things, remind me of this long, twisted road we are traveling. Every evening when I talk to Sarah, I remind her of how very proud I am. She shows an endless amount of patience, understanding and courage in facing her problems and attacking new goals with fervor. I have no doubt that my daughter will continue to grow and learn. She has all the desire ever needed to make her dreams come true. Times may be trying but it only serves to show how adversity can strengthen our resolve.
Sarah is missing her family, friends and home, adjusting to medications that make her feel tired and learning each day how her lack of impulse control has put her life at risk. These medications for Bipolar disorder, that help to balance her symptoms of mania, give her a feeling of being "down". Her mind and body are used to all that boundless energy. Side effects such as increased appetite and weight gain are among the few more unpleasant experiences Sarah has expressed. In the last 5 weeks she has gained 10 pounds. As you can imagine for any teenage girl, gaining weight in this day and age of bone thin models on TV and in magazines, it's difficult to live up to the image. Yet again, she amazes me how she looks at the positive and tells me that she will choose healthier foods and try to exercise more.
When facing the choice of placing your own child in a residential treatment center, many concerns abound, not the least of which are who are these doctors and nurses who will be caring for my daughter day and night. After meeting with several of them and feeling more confident, I then can focus my energies in other places, like my husband and my older daughter who have a felt a bit neglected.
With one daughter at home and the other living in rehab, jealously rears it's ugly head at times. Sarah of course feels jealous of her sister being able to go to school, see her friends and have the freedom to live her life as an average teenager would. On the other hand my older daughter sometimes feels jealous when she sees the extra attention her sister receives. In her eyes there is more talk around the home of concerns for Sarah than for herself. I take the time each day to remind her how much I love her and that I am here for her, as always.
In addition to the older daughter feeling the stress of these times, so is my marriage. It is natural for any marriage to have it's ups and downs. Even more so to feel the weight of worry for our youngest who is struggling. While Sarah learns coping skills and attends treatment meetings and counseling sessions, my husband and I are left to our own devices here at home. There are days when I feel so overwhelmed with anxiety that I do, indeed, neglect others in my life who need me.
As I write this I am reminded once again how everything seems to come back to education. Not only do we need to learn about drugs, addiction and the effects on the body and lifestyle of our loved one who is addicted, but we must also learn how to care for ourselves. The facility that we chose not only tends to the needs of their residents but to the whole family. They give us the opportunity to come and have a family session with our daughter and her therapist and to meet with the entire treatment team every two weeks, so that we can be kept up to date on Sarah's most recent accomplishments as well as ongoing difficulties.
It is at times like these that we learn from the counselors and doctors what we as a family can do not only to help Sarah but to strengthen the family as a unit in times of crisis. On this last family therapy meeting the counselor helped my husband and I to see that our parenting styles being so different will have adverse effects on Sarah's resolve to stay clean when she comes home. We are learning that we can embrace our differences so that our children can see it is not only OK to argue but healthy for the children to see us engage in constructive criticism and then come to an agreement that considers everyone, and that everyone can accept.
We are growing as a family. The term growing pains comes to mind. It is a struggle. It is no where near easy, but we are managing the best we can. We are taking the time to learn to adjust here at home, just as Sarah is adjusting and learning there. We all know this is only the beginning of a long road to not only helping her to keep her safe and healthy but to build stronger and healthier relationships in our family.
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Posted by Mrs C. at 12:50 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
What Can You Do To Help?
Education is the first step towards preventing drug abuse in our children. Educate yourself. Educate your family. Do you know the warning signs? Do you talk to your kids? Do you really know what's going on in their lives? How well do you know your teen? Take this quiz.
I have gone through the gamut of emotions from denial to complete outrage. I started out with "not my kid!". I saw the signs. She wasn't interested in cheer leading anymore. Her grades were becoming worse. She took naps in the afternoons. She started hanging out with different kids. I had a reasonable explanation for every thing I saw. She was going to a new school, so to me it wasn't that big of a deal that she didn't call her old best friend anymore. She had made new friends. Her grades were slipping because it was her first year in high school. She was adjusting to a more structured and demanding curriculum. She said she had lost interest in cheering and wanted to quit. I said OK. Kids change their minds constantly about what interests them. I remember taking naps after school when I was her age. Teenagers tend to stay up way past their bed time the night before and end up being exhausted by the time school is over the next day.I considered myself an educated parent. I truly felt I knew what to look for. I was completely wrong. My daughter had become a liar, a manipulator, a drug addict. I was angry at myself for not doing something sooner and angry for not educating myself beforehand. As a parent it is our job to be prepared, to talk to our kids and to be ever vigilant. I was also angry at my community. When I asked our older daughter what is taught at the school about drugs, she said nothing. I asked if there were posters, brochures, pamphlets, anything to let kids know how dangerous drugs are and where they can find help if they need it. Her answer was a resounding "No."
Whether you find yourself in the same position I was in, scared and angry, or you are taking steps now to prevent drug use in your home, you have already taken the first step by looking for information. You're reading this, so you have access to a computer. I started by searching and reading. I call it my trusty Google finger. I love Google. I searched for every keyword I could think of. From teenager to drunk driving, from marijuana to mental health. Whatever you want to know, the information is out there, you only need to look. I made a seperate folder for favorite sites that I found. I started this blog. I began asking questions in my community.
Find out what, if any, resources are available in your area. Ask your school, health care provider or clergy what they are doing to educate adolescents and prevent drug abuse in your community. Ask what you can do to help. Sign up for the Pareting Tips newsletter. Volunteer to share what you have learned in a Sunday school class or at a PTA meeting. Participate in a "Drug-Free Pledge Signing" . Download and print free brochures, postures or postcards and pass them out to friends, neighbors, at school, or at church.
Start here by downloading this free booklet "The Truth About Drugs".
Fact for the Day:
Kids who learn about the risks of drug abuse from their parents or caregivers are less likely to use drugs than kids who don't.
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"What Can You Do To Help?"!
Posted by Mrs C. at 5:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
Beginning Residential Treatment
If you have a teen in your life that has mental health concerns, there may come a time when in-patient treatment is necessary. For those teens who have addictions to drugs, alcohol or food, often the course of the disease leads to an inevitable hospitalization. There are treatment centers that specialize in caring for teens like my daughter with substance abuse addictions. When my daughters life stood on the line, we made the choice to find care for her in a long term residential treatment facility.
After several weeks of out-patient treatment with her addictions counselor and court-ordered for 3 weeks at a group home, my daughter's impulse control and risk taking behaviors had not improved but worsened. She had only 2 days left on her 21 day court-ordered stay at the local group home for juvenile delinquents when she and another child ran away from the home. It was a night, just this past February, one of those nights that is bitterly cold and raining. Here is how incapable my daughter was of thinking of what dangers may be ahead, her only thought was to find a way to get high. That night she got drunk, got high, and slept in a strangers backyard in an RV. When she awoke the next day, her friend had abandoned her, scared and alone, instead of turning to a phone to call for her family or help she turned to the streets to look for yet another high. Unfortunately in finding that next high she also found someone who would take advantage of her. That day my daughter was raped. At the tender age of 14, her life was so out of control and her emotions so numb and buried that she chose to continue on alone. It wasn't until the happenstance of a true friend driving by who stopped and picked her up, pulled my daughter from those wicked lonely streets. Her friend called me soon after to let me know where Sarah was. She didn't tell me until much later all that had occurred that day. My heart broke into a thousand pieces.
As a Mother who has watched her child go through such devastating experiences, I wanted to share with others who know the torrent of emotions that we parents burden. We love our children so completely, so unselfishly that we are willing to do whatever it takes to help them. Even if it means taking them out of your home, away from your protection and giving their care over to others. If your child is using alcohol or drugs, they are lying to you, lying to themselves and have become a great manipulator under your very eyes. Do not fool yourself into believing that you know your teen through and through, that you can trust implicitly what they tell you. If you see any sign at all of behavior changes, routine changes, sleeping patterns, eating habits, grades faltering, interests going to the wayside, act immediately. Search their rooms, search their book bags, talk to their teachers and friends. The act of betraying their trust by snooping is such a small thing compared to what could happen without your intervention.
Initially our insurance company agreed to a two week stay and planned to review the doctors and counselors assessments in order to determine if a longer stay is needed. The admission process was much more time consuming and extensive that I ever thought it would be. Of course, this boded well, showing the centers proclivity for thoroughness and attention to detail. I was assured my daughter would receive the best of care and begrudgingly, began to believe so. The admitting nurse although not the warm bed side manner I would have preferred, proved to be very good with kids. My Sarah absolutely loved her and had no problem answering her endless questions about family history, school, friends, and of course drug use.
When I picked up my things, getting ready to go home, it was as if she was 5 years old again and I was waving goodbye as she got onto the school bus. A mixture of sadness, fear and pride. The sadness you feel when watching a child grow from one step to the next, that pang for what is to never be again. I looked into her eyes and saw that the wide-eyed innocence of youth was truly gone. Ripped from her by a stranger filled with lust and greed. Although I knew she was safe, I felt a fear well up inside of me. I was afraid of those ghosts I knew would haunt her, afraid of yet more strangers who would ask her probing questions, and afraid of her feeling hurt and alone, my not being there when she needed me. More than sadness or fear I felt a great sense of pride, only a mother can feel. I saw this beautiful young woman she was growing into, the bravery she cloaked herself in, the smile on her lips and the comfort in her arms as she hugged me goodbye. She was about to face a tremendously difficult journey, wrought with the storms of change and yet I knew deep within me that she could face this tempest head on and that she would accomplish what she had set out to do. With a tear in my eye and a proud smile on my face I wished her the warmest wishes of success as we said our goodbyes.
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"Beginning Residential Treatment"!
Posted by Mrs C. at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Is Your Teen At Risk for Drug Abuse?
There are many factors that play a part in whether a teen will become addicted to drugs. These risk factors include genetics, family environment, and school environment, among many others. Although no single factor determines whether a person will become addicted to drugs, the more risk factors an individual has, the greater the chance that taking drugs will lead to abuse and addiction. At school, academic failure and poor social skills create the risk for drug use. Peer pressure in adolescence creates an environment where a teen with low self esteem is easily swayed. These types of teenagers who are eager to "fit in" or to make friends might not take into consideration the risk involved. To them the "good" of forming a new friendship, out weighs the "bad" of using drugs. Even so, it is not just the youth that lacks self-confidence who is at risk. Many kids try drugs for the first time out of curiosity, just to see how it feels. Feelings of anxiety, depression and stress can also make teens turn to drugs to help them to feel better. All teens experience stressful periods in their lives and at some point struggle with school work and friendships. Everyday teens are subjected to any number of critical changes in their lives, such as a death in the family or moving away from friends, to a new school. All of these factors can contribute to the increased risk of a teen using drugs. This is why it is so important that they be educated on the harmful effects that drugs can have on their brain and body. The teen who is educated is more likely to turn away from drug use. Education is vital. If parents, teachers, health care professionals and communities all take a part in helping to bring this information to our children, we can hope to see a decrease in the number of teenagers using and abusing drugs. Fact for the day: A survey from NSDUH (National Survey on Drug Use and Health) indicates that 4.0 percent of youth ages 12 to 17 reported non-medical use of prescription medications in the past month.Sources:NIDA, PATS, and NSDUH
In teenagers the area of the brain known as the pre-frontal cortex, is still developing the critical areas that effect their judgement, self-control and decision making. During this time they are more likely to make poor decisions that place them in harms way, such as experimenting with drugs. In addition the youth who experiments with drugs at this young age is much more likely to go on to develop an addiction. In fact the younger the child the more likely it is to progress into serious drug abuse.
Considering biology, the genetic make up of an adolescent can account for 40%-60% of their susceptibility to drug abuse. Teens who have mental health issues or have family members with addictions or mental disorders are at much greater risk of becoming addicted themselves.
Within the family environment, children's earliest interactions within the family are crucial to their healthy development and risk for drug abuse. The risk for drug abuse increases if the teen is exposed to family members who use drugs or participate in criminal acts. Furthermore the teen who is abused, whether sexually, physically or emotionally, is at much greater risk. A stressful family environment, parental neglect or lack of supervision, along with transition periods such as divorce or the changing of schools also increases risk. It is important for family to educate their teen on the dangers of drug use. Research shows that teens with families that talk about drug use and its harmful effects are 50% less likely to use drugs.
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"Is Your Teen At Risk for Drug Abuse?"!
Posted by Mrs C. at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 29, 2008
Our Story
My daughter Sarah will be turning 15 next month. Watching her grow into this beautiful young lady has been a time of pride and joy. Ever since she was a little girl she had a bright and happy personality, always on a smile on her face. Even in times of adversity, Sarah would be the one who would try to cheer us up and make us laugh. She was the most inquisitive little girl too. Always asking questions about how things worked and what you had to do to make certain things happen. In school her teachers praised her, reporting how the other children always seemed drawn to her. Sarah's grades showed her enthusiasm for learning. She flourished in those early years. I called her my "sunshine". When I would wake her in the morning it would be with song. "You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."
Our kids seem to grow so fast. One day we are holding that chubby little hand while they take their tentative first steps and before you know it they no longer want to hold your hand. I often wonder where all that time went. Work, responsibilities, family and children, with so much to do the days fly by in a blur until one the day you learn your child is addicted to drugs and your world comes crashing to a halt.
It was only 6 weeks ago that I received that phone call to pick my daughter up from school, that she was being suspended for indecent exposure.
(In this post I talk about that day.) Since then Sarah has spent 5 days in Detox, 3 weeks in a court-ordered group home for juvenile delinquents, changed schools 3 times (another story for another time) and was raped. Throughout this time frame she has struggled with constant stress, given in to the temptation of drugs, and placed herself in life threatening situations repeatedly.
Of course it is without saying that my heart has been breaking since that day in December and I have been working furiously to learn everything I can about the court system, the laws in our state, juvenile delinquency, resources available to help teens at risk, mental health , and drug abuse in adolescents. It has been a lengthy, convoluted journey in which I have experienced much and learned that I have yet barely begun to learn how to help my daughter.
I have met some very wonderful professionals along the way, who take their jobs seriously and work diligently to assist those placed in there care. Unfortunately, I have met individuals who were indifferent, corrupt and even injurious when it came to my daughters care.
Sarah is now in a residential treatment facility and has been for 2 weeks today. She is angry, frustrated, stressed, confused, and safe. She feels as if she is being punished and everything she loves and holds dear was taken away from her. However, now, I can sleep at night knowing she cannot run away. I can breath easier knowing she has no access to drugs, alcohol, or inhalants.
As a parent you want what is best for your children. You want them safe, healthy and happy. "Tough love", I have asked myself a thousand times, is called tough because of how much it hurts those who are the recipient or those who are the giver?
Please know that you are not alone. Whether you are a teen abusing drugs, or a parent struggling with this life-changing experience, there is always help. All you ever have to do is ask. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask any questions, and I will do my best to direct you to a resource available to you, or if only to provide an understanding ear.
Fact for the day:
Nearly three out of 10 teens (29 percent or 6.8 million) believe prescription pain relievers, even if not prescribed by a doctor, are not addictive
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"Our Story"!
Posted by Mrs C. at 8:51 AM 2 comments
Thursday, February 28, 2008
What is huffing?
Inhalants are breathable, chemical vapors, when inhaled through the nose or mouth, produce mind altering effects. Everyday household products are being used by kids to get a quick high. By either "huffing" or breathing in these fumes from a rag soaked with the substance, "bagging" or inhaling the fumes from a plastic bag, or by inhaling directly from the open container. These products are inexpensive, easily available, legal and second only to marijuana when it comes to adolescent drug use.
The most common products used are felt tip markers, air freshener, white out, bleach, airplane model glue, nail polish remover, hairspray, gasoline, spray paint, cooking spray, cleaning fluids, and aerosol cans such a whipped cream and "dusters" which are the small cans of compressed air used to clean computer keyboards, for example.
-Over 2.6 million children, aged 12 – 17, use an inhalant each year to get high.
-1 in 4 students in America has intentionally abused a common household product to get high by the time they reach the eighth grade.
-Inhalants tend to be the drug that is tried first by children.
-59% of children are aware of friends huffing at age 12.
What to look for
Material signs such as chemical odors on the breath or clothing, signs of paint or other products on the face or fingers (including typewriter correction fluid used as nail polish), spots or sores around the nose or mouth, gasoline or paint-soaked rags in a child's room, used spray paint cans in a child's room or other peculiar location, empty or partially-filled butane cigarette lighters, and missing household products.
In my daughters room, I found little sandwich baggies, the insides covered with spray paint.
Please note that these material signs are important to note because many of the physical symptoms may not last very long.
The effects of inhalant abuse
Inhalants can cause intoxicating effects. Sometimes lasting only minutes or even hours if the inhaling is done repeatedly. At first the teen may feel slightly stimulated, but with each inhalation the inhibitions drop and and if they continue they can lose consciousness. The effects of abusing inhalants are numerous and exceedingly dangerous.
Kids can die at anytime from inhalant abuse, including the very first time, which is known as Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome. Inhalants damage the brain and other vital organs such as the kidneys, liver and the heart. The number of deaths each year directly related to inhalant abuse is unknown since most are attributed to other causes.
Short term effects are severe mood swings, excitability and irritability, violent behavior, abdominal pain, numbness and tingling of the hands and feet, headache, nausea, hearing loss, limb spasms, muscle weakness, fatigue, and lack of coordination. You may notice glazed or watery eyes, slurred speech, loss of appetite, and problems in school.
Long term effects are central nervous system or brain damage. Some serious but potentially reversible effects include liver and kidney damage. Death from inhalants is usually caused by a very high concentration of fumes. Inhaling from a paper or plastic bag or in an enclosed area greatly increases the chances of suffocation. Heart failure and death is especially common from the abuse of fluorocarbons and butane-type gases.
Street names
Here you can find a list of street names for inhalants. At my daughters school they call it "dusters" from the cans of compressed air for computer cleaning. "Dusters" was not on this list.
Please join this forum where students, teachers, parents, and others can share their experiences with inhalant abuse.
Fact for the day:
Experimentation of drugs drops by almost 50% if a child is educated by both their family and their school.
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"What is huffing?"!
Posted by Mrs C. at 10:44 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 25, 2008
Preventing your teen from abusing prescription medications.
Several national studies have just released statistics revealing that more teens abuse prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs than any other illicit drug, except marijuana. The news is staggering: 2.1 million teens abused prescription drugs in 2006; 3.1 million people
ages 12 to 25 have used cough medicine to get high.
If you think that your local high school doesn't have a drug problem, that your teen isn't at risk, take a look here to see the most current drug profiles of your cityThen continue reading to see what you can you do to help prevent your teen from abusing prescription medications and OTC (over the counter) medicines.
So what can you do to protect your teen from using
First, get educated! Learn as much as you can.
- Sign up for the Parenting Tips Newsletter from theAnti-Drug.com.
- Call The National Clearing House for Alcohol and Drug Information at 1-800-788-2800 to order free pamphlets and fact sheets, or visit the website at http://www.health.org/
Next, have the talk. It's time to tell them that you know.
- Get help if you need it. Read here for talking points.
- Talk with you teen about your concerns.
- Do this at a time when you are calm and relaxed and have plenty of time to talk.
- Let them know what you have learned, educate them too.
- Establish rules-make sure they know drug and alcohol use isn't allowed in your family.
- Set consequences-use those that are meaningful to your teen.
- Be prepared for your teen to be angry and deny using.
- Be prepared to answer questions about your own use as a teen.
- Be honest.
Protect your children, follow these steps at home:
- Start by locking up all prescription medications
- If you cannot lock them, hide them and keep a count
- Tell your family and friends to do the same
There is so much to learn and so much that you can do. You can begin by educating yourself on these risks, talk to your spouse, your family, your teen. When you have taken the steps to educate yourself and protect your teen, it is then time to access whether treatment is needed. I have also talked about finding the right treatment in this post.
I am brand new to learning myself and I only hope to help educate others along with me as I travel down this scary road. I am doing everything I can to let my daughter know how very much I love her. I know that you are doing the same. Keep in touch. We all can help each other.
Posted by Mrs C. at 3:57 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Facing The Cold Hard Truth
Facing the cold hard truth means accepting that my 14 year old daughter is addicted to drugs. Have you ever seen a teenager using drugs or alcohol? Have you watched someone you love make such bad choices for themselves that you were afraid for their lives? Having a teenager that is addicted to alcohol and drugs is an eye opening experience. Parents, teachers, and communities all need to work harder to educate our children on the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse.
When my daughters school called to inform me that she had been suspended for 10 days I was devastated to find, when I arrived to pick her up, that she was high. I drove her home and decided to call the police. I wanted her to know right away that I was serious about drug use not being acceptable. Sadly, she laughed when the officer began talking with her. She was so high that nothing he said mattered. With the officers endless patience and experience he talked with my husband and I for awhile before he left, leaving us with a few daunting statistics, that we certainly didn't want our daughter to be one of, and a wish for good luck.
Since I had worked as a nurse for over 11 years and 4 of those were in the mental health field, I knew about a law we had in Florida for involuntarily committing those who are under the influence and are a threat to themselves or others. I considered my daughter to be a threat to herself since she was making very risky judgement calls.
Here in Florida, this law, is called the Marchman Act. I filed the paperwork at our local county courthouse and had my daughter committed to a local detox facility. "Tough love" sure is not an easy thing. I continued to remind my daughter that day and every day after that I love her enough to follow through with whatever treatment she needs, whether in a hospital or at home.
Neither of us knew just how hard it was going to be. Those first 5 days in a Detox unit, were just the beginning of a long road for my beautiful Sarah. No matter what, she has a family that loves her and supports her.
Fact for the day:Did you know that 80 percent of parents believe that alcohol and marijuana are usually not available at parties their teens attend? Unfortunately, the reality is sobering —50 percent of teens who go to parties say that alcohol, drugs, or both are available. Think you know your teen? Keep reading!
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"Facing The Cold Hard Truth"!
Posted by Mrs C. at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
Teens at risk online
The Internet can be a setting for risky behavior. Nearly 2 in 3 teenagers who go online say they do things there that they would not want their parents to know about. Almost half of 16- and 17-year-olds say their parents know little or nothing about the teens online behavior.
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From the office of the National Drug Control Policy
The Internet unsupervised can be a world of temptation. Pushers peddling pills and make-it-yourself drug recipes. Dealers glorifying marijuana. Bogus "pharmacies" filling orders without prescriptions. "Friends" sending text or instant messages about which parties will have pot or alcohol.
With all the advantages they bring, these technologies, such as Web sites, blogs, spam and text messages, can also expose teens to threats like dangerous drugs and put them in contact with dealers or sexual predators. What can you do? More importantly, what should you do? Parents need to monitor their teens’ activities and help them navigate the temptations in the digital world. Here’s how:
Learn about the digital devices your teen uses. Visit his web page or send a text message
to her cell phone.
Be clear and consistent about what is off limits — including which Web sites, chat rooms, games or blogs — and how to handle information promoting drugs or sex. Discuss consequences for breaking these rules.
Use technology to help monitor your teen. See for yourself what’s posted on social networking sites your teen visits by setting up your own account. Use text messaging to check in with your teen after school.
Know whom your teen is communicating with. Ask who is on his/her cell phone and instant message contact lists. Use every available opportunity to meet and get to know their friends and their parents.
Limit your teen’s time spent online, and put computers in a common area of the house
so you can more easily monitor their use.
Above all, don’t feel uncomfortable with these tactics. You can do it. You’re supposed to do it. Because you owe it to them. For more e-monitoring tips and information on how to use technology to keep your teen drug-free, visit www.TheAntiDrug.com, or call 1-800-788-2800.
American Academy of Pediatrics
Cable in the Classroom
i-SAFE, Inc.
National Institute on Media and the Family
Office of National Drug Control Policy
Partnership for a Drug-Free America
Web Wise Kids
Office of National Drug Control Policy
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"Teens at risk online"!
Posted by Mrs C. at 3:41 PM 0 comments
FACTS: Save your teen.
One-third of all teens do not understand that abusing prescription pain relievers can be "as dangerous—and addictive—as using street narcotics and other illicit drugs."1 In fact, 40 percent of young people wrongly believe that prescription medicines are “much safer” than illegal drugs.
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Nearly 1 in 5 teens (4.5 million people) said that they use prescription medications to get high,1 and 1 in 10 (2.4 million people) said that they use prescription stimulants and tranquilizers to get high.2 Nearly two-thirds of teens report that prescription pain relievers are easy to find at home, in the medicine cabinet.
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When young people drink, they tend to drink heavily. Underage drinkers consume, on average, four to five drinks per occasion, compared with two to three drinks per occasion among adult drinkers aged 26 and older.
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More teenage girls than boys now smoke and abuse prescription drugs. Girls also are starting to use marijuana, alcohol, and cigarettes at a higher rate than boys.
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Treating mental illnesses is an important step in keeping youth away from alcohol and illegal drugs. About half of teens and young adults who receive alcohol or drug treatment also have mental disorders.
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 2003 Youth Risk Behavior Survey of high school students nationwide revealed that 28% drank alcohol other than a few sips before age 13 years.3 By age 17 years they were 7 times more likely to consume 5 or more drinks 6 or more times per month than those who waited until they were 17 years or older to begin drinking.Use of alcohol at an early age may cause problems later in life. Kids who drink alcohol before age 15 are five times more likely to have alcohol problems as adults than those who first drink at age 21 or older.
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It's more important than ever to guard your child from the dangers of smoking: Cigarettes may be more addictive than they used to be. The amount of nicotine that smokers inhale per cigarette rose by 11 percent from 1998 to 2005.
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Young drinkers are more likely to use alcohol to relieve stress when they get older. A National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism survey found that, among adults with a high level of stress in their lives, people who began drinking at age 14 or younger drank five times more than their peers who started drinking at age 18 or older, consuming an average of six drinks per day.
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The Internet can be a setting for risky behavior. Nearly 2 in 3 teenagers who go online say they do things there that they would not want their parents to know about. Almost half of 16- and 17-year-olds say their parents know little or nothing about the teens online behavior.1
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The more that young people see and hear alcohol ads, the more likely they are to drink alcohol illegally. Yet, about half of all alcohol ads on the radio are aired during programs that attract three-fourths of the underage listening audience.
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Adolescents often overlook the risks of inhalants. Although they can be injured, suffer serious medical effects, or die any time they use inhalants, five in eight 8th-graders do not see great risk in trying them.
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"FACTS: Save your teen."!
Posted by Mrs C. at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Finding the Right Treatment
The journey from first becoming aware of a drug and alcohol problem to finding and being admitted to the right treatment facility has been a very long and chaotic journey for my family.
If you have a teen or know one who abuses alcohol and drugs or you suspect that they do, the first and best thing that you can do is educate yourself on the dangers of drug use in teens. Finding the right substance abuse treatment facility can be extremely frustrating. My journey to find, not only one that would accept my daughter, but also be good for her, took over two months. When your family is in chaos and your childs health and safety are in danger, two months can seem a lifetime.
Each State has a protection and advocacy agency that receives funding from the Federal Center for Mental Health Services. Agencies are mandated to protect and advocate for the rights of people with mental illnesses.
If you are seeking treatment for a mental health or substance abuse problem, you can start by talking with people you know, such as family members, friends, school teachers or counselors, clergy, and your doctor. Your health insurance company can also give you a list of providers. If your employer has an employee assistance program, you can get a referral there.
If you have health insurance, placing a call to them will help you to understand exactly what they will provide for in the way of benefits, whether it be hospitalization, residential treatment or out-patient services. Find out what your deductibles are, co-payments and any other fees that may apply. If you do not have health insurance or you find that the fees are too expensive ask if they have "sliding scale" fee or can help you to locate a clinic that does.
Here you can find local mental health care providers. Click on your state to find a local facility.
For more detailed information about find treatment go to the SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Family Guide.
Read more on: "Finding the Right Treatment"!Posted by Mrs C. at 6:41 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Statistics provided by the NSDUH
NSDUH or the National Survey on Drug Use and Health has provided these statistics regarding teens and their use of prescription and over-the-counter drugs. If you would like to download the report in its entirety go here.
- More teens abuse prescription drugs than any illicit drug except marijuana.
- The majority of teens who abuse prescription drugs get them easily and for free, primarily from friends and relatives.
- Teens are also abusing some over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold remedies to get high, which is especially troubling given teens’ easy access to these products.
- Many parents are not aware of teen prescription drug abuse. Teens say their parents are not discussing these dangers with them, even though research shows that parental disapproval is a powerful way to keep teens from using drugs.
- Parents are in a unique position to immediately reduce teen access to prescription drugs because they are found in the home.
- Teens are abusing prescription drugs because many believe the myth that these drugs provide a "safe" high and they are easily available.
- There has been a dramatic increase in the number of poisonings and even deaths associated with the abuse of prescription and OTC drugs.
- The prescription drugs most commonly abused by teens are painkillers, prescribed to treat pain; depressants, such as sleeping pills or anti-anxiety drugs; and stimulants, mainly prescribed to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
- Some teens use prescription and OTC drugs with alcohol or other drugs, which could lead to dangerous drug interactions and other serious medical consequences
Posted by Mrs C. at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Scariest Drug Epidemic You’ve Never Heard Of
The Scariest Drug Epidemic You’ve Never Heard Of
By Jason Bane
One afternoon a year and a half ago, 18-year-old Christine Weiss locked herself in the bathroom of an Orlando drugstore with a package of Coricidin® HBP Cough & Cold. Ripping it open, she popped a handful of little red pills in her mouth and washed them down with tap water. Then, fighting the urge to vomit--a side effect of taking about 12 times the recommended dose--Christine waited for the hallucinogenic effect of the huge amount of dextromethorphan (DXM), a narcotic derivative that's in more than 80 over-the-counter cough medications, to kick in.
Like most kids who buy into this high, Christine didn't think about the dangers of abusing these medicines--addiction, heart palpitations, blackouts, seizures, even death. She just wanted the trippy, disconnected feeling. The allure of DXM is obvious: It's cheap, it's widely available and it's legal, which is why more and more teens are using it. In fact, lots of kids barely register the risks. "At my school, people were making jokes about it," says Nate, 19, a former user from Madison Heights, Mich.
It certainly didn't seem like a big deal to Christine. "My mind-set was, `This is just an over-the-counter [drug] .... It's no big deal. It's not like I'm doing cocaine or anything,'" she says of first trying Coricidin®. And all it took was a half hour to get high. "It was crazy--lights seemed brighter and sounds were louder. It was scary," she says. "Later, I started liking it." Soon she was hooked and using daily.
In the last couple of years, DXM abuse has exploded, fueling an underground culture in which "Triple C," "Skittles" and "Red Devils" are street terms used for the drugs. While groups that track teen drug use are only now starting formal studies, rehab facilities nationwide report that increasing numbers of teens are seeking treatment for DXM addiction. For example, Victoria Wine-barger, senior therapist at Pathway Family Center, which runs treatment programs in the Midwest, says 80 percent of their patients have abused DXM.
What's behind the phenomenon? "The Internet has played a significant role in broadly communicating what drugs [to use], how to use them and how to get them," says Andrea Barthwell, deputy director of demand reduction at the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. And teens seem to agree. "I looked up on the Internet what over-the-counter drugs would get me high," says Nate.
Unfortunately, teens don't seem to keep digging to learn about the dangers, which include short-term problems, like insomnia, dizziness and delusions, to long-term problems, like liver or brain damage. "I would get nauseous and my head would spin," says Janet, 18, a recovering Coricidin® user. "I didn't understand what was going on at all." If that sounds bad, consider this: In October 2002, an Iowa State University student died of a DXM overdose, and in April 2003, a 14-year-old was killed when he ran across a Colorado highway while on Triple C.
Christine felt the damaging effects after a few months. "I started peeing blood," she says. "I felt sick.... My body felt weak." At school, she lost interest in classes, fought with other kids and eventually got suspended. Blaming her problems on her friends, her parents started homeschooling her, but soon she was fighting with them and left home. "I gave up everything because I was obsessed with using," says Christine. "All I cared about was getting high." Finally, two years after Christine started using, a worried friend clued her parents in to what she was doing and they sent her to S.A.F.E., an Orlando treatment center.
Now, after a year in drug rehab, Christine is glad she got help. While at S.A.F.E., Christine graduated from high school. When she finishes the 12-step program in 2004, she's got plans for college and a career as a drug counselor. "I thought I could just use Coricidin for fun, that it didn't matter. I never expected to get hooked," says Christine. The hardest part? "I'll never be able to get that time back. If I could erase it and make it go away, I would."
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment's National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Referral Routing Service: 800-662-HELP
Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator: findtreatment.samhsa.gov
This article was originally written in Teen People Magazine.
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"The Scariest Drug Epidemic You’ve Never Heard Of"!
Posted by Mrs C. at 2:55 PM 2 comments
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Is Marijuana Really Bad For You?
- Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States.
- The percentage of youth aged 12–17 indicating a great risk of smoking marijuana once a month remained unchanged between 1999 and 2000 (37.2% in 1999 and 37.7% in 2000).
- Marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals, including most of the harmful substances found in tobacco smoke.
- Smoking one marijuana cigarette deposits about 4x more tar into the lungs than a filtered tobacco cigarette.
- Harvard University researchers report the risk of a heart attack is five times higher than usual in the hour after smoking marijuana.
- The risk of using cocaine is estimated to be more than 104 times greater for those who have tried marijuana than for those who have never tried it.
- Smoking marijuana can injure or destroy lung tissue. In fact, marijuana smoke contains 50–70% more of some cancer causing chemicals than does tobacco smoke.
- Reaction time for motor skills, such as driving, is reduced by 41% after smoking one joint and is reduced 63% after smoking two joints.
- There have been over 7,000 published scientific and medical studies documenting the damage that marijuana poses. Not one study has shown marijuana to be safe.
What is it ?
Marijuana is a product of the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. The main active chemical in marijuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). Of the roughly 400 chemicals found in the cannabis plant, THC affects the brain the most.
Street Name or Slang Terms
Aunt Mary, Bobby, Boom, Chronic, Dope, Ganja, Gangster, Grass, Hash, Herb, Kif, Mary Jane, Pot, Reefer, Sinsemilla, Skunk, Weed
What does it look like ?
Green or gray mixture of dried, shredded leaves of the hemp plant.
How is used ?
Usually smoked as a cigarette or joint, or in a pipe or bong, marijuana has appeared in blunts in recent years. These are cigars that have been emptied of tobacco and re-filled with marijuana, sometimes in combination with another drug, such as crack. Some users also mix marijuana into foods or use it to brew tea.
Effects of Marijuana on the Brain
Researchers have found that THC changes the way in which sensory information gets into and is acted on by the hippocampus. This is a component of the brain’s limbic system that is crucial for learning, memory, and the integration of sensory experiences with emotions and motivations. Investigations have shown that THC suppresses neurons in the information processing system of the hippocampus. In addition, researchers have discovered that learned behaviors, which depend on the hippocampus, also deteriorate.
Effects of Marijuana on the Lungs
Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may have many of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers have. These individuals may have daily cough and phlegm, symptoms of chronic bronchitis, and more frequent chest colds. Continuing to smoke marijuana can lead to abnormal functioning of lung tissue injured or destroyed by marijuana smoke. Regardless of the THC content, the amount of tar inhaled by marijuana smokers and the level of carbon monoxide absorbed are three to five times greater than among tobacco smokers. This may be due to marijuana users inhaling more deeply and holding the smoke in the lungs.
Other Short Term Effects
Dry mouth and/or throat, problems with memory and learning, distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch), trouble with thinking and problem solving, loss of motor coordination, increased heart rate, and anxiety. These effects are even greater when other drugs are mixed with marijuana. Persons high on marijuana show the same lack of coordination on standard drunk driver tests as do people who have had too much to drink.
Long Term Effects
Marijuana smoke contains some of the same cancer-causing compounds as tobacco, sometimes in higher concentrations. Someone who smokes 1 to 3 joints can produce the same lung damage and potential cancer risk as smoking five times as many cigarettes.
Go the to Anti-Drug to get more information on the different drugs our adolescents are using today.
The American Lung Association, U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, Drug Enforcement Administration
Read more on: "Is Marijuana Really Bad For You?"!Posted by Mrs C. at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Not my kid!
Think of the last time someone you know had back surgery or maybe a route canal, and they were given a prescription for Lortab or maybe Percocet.
In high schools all over this country teens are stealing pills from medicine cabinets. Maybe that teen takes the pill because they want to get "high". Maybe they take the pills to school because they know they can make a few bucks selling them to others who want them.
That was how it started for my 12 year old daughter over two years ago. She learned in school that she could make money by selling these pills that were in such high demand. At first she would steal a pill or two and make some money doing it. Before long she was taking the pills herself. By the time she was 14 she was addicted to prescription pills, alcohol, shop lifting on a regular basis, skipping school often and runing away from home.
So before you say, "Not my kid!", ask yourself a few questions.
Where do you keep your prescriptions?
Do you know how many pills are in that bottle?
Would you recognize the signs if you saw them?
The most important thing you can do, today, is start talking to your teen. Listen to what they have to say, ask questions, and learn what their world is really like. Don't assume you know and don't judge so harshly. You don't want your teen to be the next statistic.
Learn more today.
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"Not my kid!"!
Posted by Mrs C. at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
About Us
I am the 40 year old Mother of four beautiful teenagers. I have two daughters, 14 and 16 from my first marriage, and my husband and best friend of 10 years, has two teens from his first marriage as well. We live on 13 acres in a small town in north Florida. My husband works as a law enforcement officer and a volunteer firefighter. I am no longer working at this time.
As of December 2006, mere days before Christmas, I saw my precious baby so high she couldn't walk straight or carry on an intelligent conversation. Since then our lives have been this whirlwind of doctors appointments, court appointments, therapists, battling with insurance companies, and banging our heads against one brick wall after another.
With my husbands endless support and my tireless quest to learn all I can to help save our daughter, we humbly bring to you, our painful, personal story, in the hopes that in sharing what we have learned, we can help another. We open our home and hearts to you. Please join us in this unforeseen journey, of recovery and hope.
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Contact Us
If you have questions or comments, please email me at TeenDrugAddiction@gmail.com. Read more on: "Contact Us"!
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